What Does ASPS Stand For?

What Does ASPS Stand For?

If you were looking for the meaning of ASPS then you arrived at the right place, in this article we will tell how what does ASPS stand for?

So let’s move to the topic without any further delay!

What Does ASPS Stand For?

Quick Answer: ASPS – American Society of Plastic Surgeons
ASAPS – American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
www.plasticsurgery.org – website for ASPS
www.surgery.org – website for ASAPS

ASPS Stands For?

Correct Answer: ASPS stands for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. ASPS is a national medical society with over 7,000 members board certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery. ASPS represents plastic surgeons who specialize in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

The organization was founded in 1931 to advance and improve the quality of surgical care for patients. ASPS member surgeons perform more than one million procedures each year.

ASAPS Stands For?

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) is another organization representing plastic surgeons specializing in cosmetic surgery of all kinds, including plastic surgeons who are board-certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery, which requires specific training and experience to become a Member of the Board.

Both ASPS and ASAPS have strict requirements for membership, including years of experience and board certification. When considering surgery, it is essential to choose a member of one or both of these societies to ensure that you are getting the highest quality care.

Difference Between ASPS and ASAPS?

ASAPS and ASPS are the same. The only difference is one uses American while the other uses Aesthetic in their title.

ASAPS focuses exclusively on cosmetic surgery, while ASPS includes both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in its mandate. This means that ASAPS surgeons have more training and experience in cosmetic surgery procedures than ASPS surgeons. However, ASPS surgeons are still highly qualified and can provide quality surgical care.

When considering surgery, it is essential to choose a surgeon who is a Member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) to ensure that you are getting the highest quality care.

ASAPS has more stringent membership requirements than ASPS, including years of experience and board certification in plastic surgery.

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