How To Send Pictures On Tinder | 6 Simple Steps

How To Send Pictures On Tinder | 6 Simple Steps

Nowadays, Tinder is the new way to meet people. Tinder allows users to swipe right on their potential suitors and swipe left on those not interested. However, some users have found a creative use for this app that allows them to send pictures of anything they want without having any real information about it or the person receiving it.

You’re probably tired of the same old boring pictures. You want to find something that sets your profile apart from everyone else’s. Well, look no further because I am going to teach you how to send pictures on tinder! By following some simple steps and advice, you will be sending out picture messages in no time at all!

How To Send Pictures On Tinder?

First of all, you need to either use your cellular phone or a computer. You can’t send pictures by using Tinder on your tablet because it doesn’t allow picture messaging. Next, open the app and make sure that you have privacy mode turned off. It will ensure that no one else has access to your account and how to send pictures on Tinder. Before you send your first picture, you should change how frequently Tinder updates your location. You can do this by going into your settings and changing the distance from 1 mile to 5 miles away from where you are currently.

6 Steps For How To Send Pictures On Tinder

  1. Find the picture you’d like to send.
  2. Tap on it.
  3. Drag your finger over to the message box once you’ve held down your finger.
  4. When you’re finished dragging, release your finger.
  5. Type a caption or message for your photo before pressing “send.”
  6. If you want to send several images at once, proceed to send another text.

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